Petra Galligan is an explorer of consciousness, healing and the human energy field, primarily within the realms of sound and meditation. She is certified in Sound Therapy, Meditation, Transpersonal therapies and is an Angelic Reiki Master with over 11 years experience. As a practitioner and trainer, she specialises in working with groups and individuals and has facilitated and collaborated in many workshops, retreats and sound related events across the UK.
Petra is also known for the unique environment in which she practices and many of her clients remark on it’s special ambiance and acoustics. The yurt, which is a round tent like structure brings a unique atmosphere and resonance to her sound scapes and forges an innate, harmonious connection with the natural world outside and the inner realms within.
As a natural intuitive, she invests her time in the study and practice of the vibrational effects of sound on the human body, mind and all levels of being and is fascinated by the practical application of mindfulness and meditation. For her continued development, she actively studies transpersonal psychology and Buddhist meditation practice and is passionate about exploring the inner realms of consciousness through sound and art.
Before being drawn to working within the realms of Sound, Petra was a Television Producer and Director for over 11 years working for various British, Irish and American broadcasters including ITV, BBC, National Geographic and RTE and was lucky enough to travel extensively worldwide within her field of work.